2020. 3. 20. 22:00ㆍIDEA/비즈니스 모델
Customer Relationships
All activities to attract and secure customers for continued and amicable revenue generation
there is no real relationship between the company and the customers, kiosk at an airport.
·Long term
long-term and maybe even deep relationship established between the corps and the customer.
·Personal assistance
based on human interaction such as call centers, e-mail, etc.
·Dedicated personal assistance
dedicating a customer representative specifically to an individual client, private banking service
with no direct relationship, provides all the necessary means for customers to help themselves.
·Automated service / Custom advertising
mixes a more sophisticated form of customer self-service with automated processes
This can recognize individual customers and their characteristics, and offer information related to
orders or transactions. For ex, personal profiles give customers access to customized services.
utilizing user communities to become more involved with customers/prospects and to facilitate connections between community members. it allows users exchange knowledge, communicate.
·Co-creation / C2C Platform
More companies are going beyond the traditional customer-vendor relationship to co-create value with customers. like Amazon.com, invites customers to their platforms, youtube and so on.
·Switching costs
indicate how easy or how difficult it is for a customer to switch to a different alternative.
How To
Elements to keep on using the product/services.
i.e. push alarm, newsletter, coupon, event, etc.
How do I use the Customer Relationships building block of the Business Model Canvas?
How do I use the Customer Relationships building block of the Business Model Canvas? – Have a question? Find the answer here.
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