Key Activities

2020. 3. 20. 22:15IDEA/비즈니스 모델

Key Activities


Important actions your company must perform to operate successfully. as though producing a product or providing a service, or a mix of both.

Key Activities differ depending on business model type. For software maker Microsoft, Key Activities include software development.




relate to designing, manufacturing, and delivering a product in substantial quantities and/or of superior quality. Production activity dominates the business models of manufacturing firms.


·Problem Solving

relate to coming up with new solutions to individual customer problems. 

The operations of consultancies, hospitals, and other service organizations are typically dominated by problem-solving activities.



Networks, matchmaking platforms, software, and even brands can function as a platform.

Microsoft’s business model requires managing the interface between other vendors’ software and its Windows® operating system platform.



How do I use the Key Activities building block of the Business Model Canvas?

How do I use the Key Activities building block of the Business Model Canvas? – Have a question? Find the answer here.

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